My Calm Down Tools for Self-Regulation: Social Narratives and Visual Supports for Autism & Special Ed

Type: digital

If you work with students who have trouble regulating their emotions, this is the toolkit for you.  Whether you teach general or special education, all teachers have students at some point who get overexcited, engage in challenging behavior to escape from situations, need to learn relaxation strategies, or just have meltdowns from minor situations.  This tool kit has instructions, visuals and social stories to help you teach the student to manage his/her own behavior. 

**This product is also included in a bundle offered at a discounted price: The Starter Kit for Successful Inclusion and the classroom starter kits

Who Is It For?

  • This kit is appropriate for all ages.  
  • Works great for students with autism
  • Also appropriate for students with behavioral and emotional challenges 
  • Most effective for students who need to practice self-regulation or learn to remove themselves from a situation appropriately (e.g., escape-function of the behavior)
  • Students needing to learn relaxation strategies


  • The 4 social narratives are useful for helping individuals to understand others’ perspective, share information about new or problematic situations, and provide coping strategies for maintaining appropriate behavior and social responses.
  • Each story is in a format with 1 idea and picture on each page and an identical story in which the whole story is contained on 1 page with a picture for each idea next to the line. Which one you use at what time will depend on the needs and developmental level of the student as well as the situation. 
  • Visual supports matching the focus of the narratives

What's Included?

Social Narratives

  • Each in 1-page and 1 sentence per page formats
  1. I Can Ask for a Break
  2. I Can Stay in Control of Myself
  3. Staying Calm Before I Go to Class
  4. Staying Calm When I'm Excited

Visual Supports

  • Cueing a relaxation deep breathing sequence

  • A calm-down strategy for before entering class

  • Pictures for choice boards for activities during break time (including sensory, exercise activities, and reinforcing activities)

  • Multiple copies of break cards

Teaching Protocol for Teaching Requesting a Break

Tips for Using the Tools

Images for this product were provided by DynaVox Mayer-Johnson
2100 Wharton Street
Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Phone: 1 (800) 588-4548
Fax: 1 (866) 585-6260
 Web site: 

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This product is an electronic file download Adobe Acrobat file or a Zip File. No product will be mailed to you.  You are responsible for assuring you have the needed software to open and print it. 

Directions for construction are included in the file.  Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.

If the product is a zip file, you may need to have an app like WinZip to unzip it on a PC.


This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at